Vintage/Retro Baby!

Hi there!

I’ve been missing for some days now, haven’t I? Oh well, I guess the fever of university preparations are getting to me unfortunately. Yep, I’m getting closer and closer to having all my things packed and prepared for the train ride I’ll have to catch on my moving day. And I can’t help but feel totally anxious about it. I somehow – how should I put this? – don’t want to leave home. I somehow don’t feel ready to leave my home behind. And despite the brave act I’ve put up till now, I feel like a lost, five-years-old kid whenever I think about moving out.

But I guess there are many that felt like me before, right?

Anyway, getting to happier things, I have to tell you that shopping has been exhausting me these days! I guess I’m one abnormal girl, ’cause I pretty much hate going to shopping. I hate crowded places, the way people hurry to grab things on discount. I just… I don’t know. But no matter how much I hate it, this week has been all about shopping: clothes, shoes, useless things I just had to have. But somehow I’m happy I went out shopping, because I found these awesome things on discount. Like from $100 to $5. Can you believe it?!

And like any other week, can’t go without good photos and good music. So, tonight I invite you to listen to this awesome track and take a look at my pics 🙂




I Don’t Understand

Today it seemed to me that history wanted to repeat itself once again…

Just a side-note so that you understand what I talk about: I am an animal lover to the core of my heart. I love all animals (except for snakes O.o), but I have a preference for cats. I just like them. The way they play, the way they beg, the way they look at me, the way they seem to know what’s wrong and what hurts, the way they quarrel with me in the bathroom. So I have a cats. I used to have ten, but right now I have just three and three dogs. They’re friendly, don’t worry, no wars allowed inside. The house it’s neutral territory for them 🙂

The reason why I’m saying “now I have just three” is that today humanity really disappointed me. I used to have four cats. Two females and two males. And on of the tom cats was a black, superb kitten I got as a graduation present in June. I just fell in love with him the first time I saw him (of course, I have a thing for black cats as well 🙂 ). He looked so small and scared when my friend gave it to me. And the way he used his small claws to cling on me the next day – I still can’t forget those moments. And today, Sasha just vanished in thin air…

When I left home in the morning, at 9am, he was still there, happily playing with the others. But when I returned, at 3pm, he was no longer there. And I suspect someone took him.

You see, it’s not the first time it would happen to me. Last year, a cat and two kittens were taken away. A year before this, I found 6 kittens poisoned. And in August, my dog, a golden poodle, was poisoned as well. Someone has something against me and I don’t understand where I did or to whom I did wrong. And even if I’m to blame for anything, it’s just damn pitiful to take it on animals! It’s pitiful and lame.

I don’t understand why some humans can’t get over the primitive part of them and keep going back to the Neanderthal 😦

Sorry, this blog post probably makes no sense. I’m super tired and sad. I wish Sasha would just return to me so that I can forget about this incident and just be Kat, blogging about happy events…

A Bet


Someone my mom told me I spend way too much time on the Internet. But what am I supposed to do in this hi-tech world, where almost everything is one click away?

So we made a bet: I had one month to read as many books as I can while still be online on my favourite sites. If I managed to surpass a number of ten books, she’s get me some super nice cupcakes shapes (seriously, they’re super cute, multi-coloured and all! I just love them!). If I didn’t, then I would have had to spend my last month of holiday doing chores and no Internet. Like, at all… Yeah, tough one, I know. But what she doesn’t know, is that even though I spend a lot of my time browsing around the Net, I also devour any book that falls into my hands 🙂

Today was the last day of the bet that started exactly on 11th of August. You should have seen the surprise on my mother’s face when I showed her the fourteen books I read 🙂 Hehehehehe~~ Of course, I can’t say they’re super complicated or that the subject of books is overly philosophical. Not at all. They’re second rate books I really enjoy reading since their childish plot makes me think that there still is good in this world and that we all get a chance to greatness at least once in life.

Now I’ll just rub my hands happily and wait for mom to bring me the cupcake shapes 🙂

Perfect Time to Fly Away

I guess this is an awkward “Hello!”…

Well, it’s alright. Really. Not my first time blogging, but my first time trying to keep the writer in me away from the keyboard 🙂 So, what should I talk about in my first post? Hmmm… let me tell you something about me, how does it sound? Like a small introduction or something like that.

I’m eighteen years old and I graduated from a bilingual English class at the beginning of the summer, more precisely, at the end of May. And after almost two months of hateful, hateful exams, I finally got my well deserved summer holiday, which will end on 30th of September, when I’ll officially be a first year student.

Now, as my profile on the side says, I’m majoring in Korean Culture & Language and English Culture & Language. Pretty cool, isn’t it? Well, let me tell you that I’ve been dreaming of the first major ever since my 10th grade when I actually knew what I was expecting from life. The unknown story behind my double major is that I was actually preparing to enlist in a Korean university, but due to some problems that occurred, I had to enroll in an university here, in my own country. I still dream about the day I’ll step on Korean land. It would be like finally being on dry land after being shipwrecked or something like that 🙂

Anyway, I guess this autumn is the perfect time to fly away, to bid goodbye to my town and move on, build a life on my own. It would have been a sad scene if I were to leave my home town during the summer that is pretty cool here. But the rainy  weather will just add some dramatic feelings to my departure, don’t you think?

So yeah, I decided that October, the only autumnal month that I like, is the perfect timing to move out.

What do you think: is it perfect or another month would have made it even more interesting? Maybe you prefer a less dramatic exit? Something cool and relaxed?